The Syllabary: A Poem in 2,272 Parts

The Syllabary is a printed book in eleven volumes, with different complete sequences published in runs of 25 copies each.

It is also an audiovisual sequence at, which starts at random and leads the viewer to the next verse in any of three directions, ad infinitum.

And it is designed for physical installation in an urban setting.

An interview with the author, in Macau:

The Syllabary has morphed in various media. Olga Kokcharova has worked with the author on Cleikit, a phonetic version for sixty voices.

Yuri Vaschenko provided structural illustrations for the second edition:

It was launched in Glasgow:

One cell of the third edition responds to a drawing by Clara Brasca (the text was translated into Italian by Mariarosaria Cardines):

Other cells are associated with photographic images:

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The Syllabary: A Poem in 2,272 Parts

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